How to learn computer programming
Learn Coding Learn Coding HowTo | Java | Database | ClientSide | ServerSide | Webapp | Game | OpenGL | C/C++ | Android | Salesforce Before Getting Started... Programmer's Survival Guide for Windows Programmer's Survival Guide for macOS & Ubuntu Source-Code Editors & IDEs IM1003 Object-oriented Programming (Week 1) Install JDK (Week 3) Install Eclipse Java Basics 1. Introduction to Java Programming 2. Java Basics Exercises: Java Basics Java OOP 3a. OOP Basics 3b. OOP Composition, Inheritance & Polymorphism 3c. OOP Wrapping-Up Exercises: OOP 3d. String is Special Java Graphics 4a. Graphical User Interface (GUI) 4b. Custom Graphics Exercises: Graphics Programming Case Study / Assignment Graphics Programming Assignment - Sudoku Graphics Programming Assignment - Mine Sweeper Case Study: Graphics Programming - Tic-tac-toe IM2073 Web Programming Week 1: How to Install MySQL Server and Get...