
Showing posts from October, 2020

Etherum Blockchain guide

Smart Contract in Ethereum Blockchain   TABLE OF CONTENTS (HIDE) Writing Smart Contracts in Ethereum Blockchain   To program Ethereum blockchain, you need to be familiar with JavaScript and full-stack web development under Node.js. Introduction to Blockchain Technology [Work In Progres] A blockchain is a distributed digital ledger of transactions . It contains records of all transactions or events that have been executed, which are shared across the nodes participating in the blockchain. A blockchain is segregated into blocks. Each block contains encypted data on the transaction, sender/receiver, and the previous block's hash. The block is then appended to the chain in chronological order, hence, the name blockchain. Blockchain is immutable and trusted ... Blockchain is distributed, peer-to-peer, decentralized, not controlled by an single party, no intermediary to verify. Consensus algorithms (to prevent double-spending): Proof of Work (PoW): For each block ge...

Learn to code

Learn Coding Learn Coding HowTo | Java | Database | ClientSide | ServerSide | Webapp | Game | OpenGL | C/C++ | Android | Salesforce Before Getting Started... Programmer's Survival Guide for Windows Programmer's Survival Guide for macOS & Ubuntu Source-Code Editors & IDEs IM1003 Object-oriented Programming (Week 1) Install JDK (Week 3) Install Eclipse Java Basics 1. Introduction to Java Programming 2. Java Basics Exercises: Java Basics Java OOP 3a. OOP Basics 3b. OOP Composition, Inheritance & Polymorphism 3c. OOP Wrapping-Up Exercises: OOP 3d. String is Special Java Graphics 4a. Graphical User Interface (GUI) 4b. Custom Graphics Exercises: Graphics Programming Case Study / Assignment Graphics Programming Assignment - Sudoku Graphics Programming Assignment - Mine Sweeper Case Study: Graphics Programming - Tic-tac-toe IM2073 Web Programming Week 1: How to Install MySQL Server and Get...