How to create lighting components in salesforce:full example
In this component we will see how to create a lightning component Steps. 1.Open developer console from setup 2. Create new Lightning Component 3. The lightning bundle will get created 4. Now add the attributes (variables) and markup in the component section Copy this code to the component sections <aura:component controller="ContactController" implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global"> <aura:attribute name="Amount" type="double" default="25000"/> <aura:attribute name="Tenure" type="double" default="16"/> <aura:attribute name="Maturity" type="double" default="34"/> <aura:attribute name="accid" type="String" default=""/> <aura:attribute name="accountName" type="String" default=""/> <aura:attribute name=...