How to expose salesforce apex class as rest api
Salesforce Developer Apex Rest Exposing Apex // Salesforce - Developer - REST - Expose Your Apex Class as a Web Service: You can expose your Apex class methods as a REST or SOAP web service operation. By making your methods callable through the web, you allow third party applications (or your own external applications) to access your data. Apex REST methods can be used in managed and unmanaged packages. When calling Apex REST methods that are contained in a managed package, you need to include the managed package namespace in the REST call URL. For example, if the class is contained in a managed package namespace called packageNamespace and the Apex REST methods use a URL mapping of /MyMethod/*, the URL used via REST to call these methods would be of the form . Instead of using custom Apex code for REST and SOAP services, external applications can integrate with Salesforce by using Salesforce’s REST and SOAP A...